The secret of getting ahead is getting started.
– Mark Twain
Meaning of this quote:
What matters most is to get started. We all have wonderful dreams or goals, but they have no significance when they are not executed.
To get from point A to point B, we have to take the first step and keep going forward until we reach our destination. Start with the first step because without it even the most detailed planning is pointless.
All you have to do is get started, and everything else will fall into place as you go along. Dreams or goals are the beginning, It’s hard work, planning, perseverance, and an ability to adapt that shapes the reality.
The secret to getting ahead is getting started and to build momentum. It’s the momentum that allows us to keep moving forward regardless of how motivated we are. Motivation is temporary, but habits are permanent.
It takes nothing to think big
The good news is it takes nothing to think big, but the bad news is it takes nothing to give up on dreams or goals.
Since It takes nothing to think about something, It also takes nothing to discard that idea.

You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.
– Zig Ziglar
Remember that great things don’t happen on their own, and that great results don’t appear overnight.
Turn your dream into short-term and long-term goals. Plan things out and create a clear roadmap. And start taking the first step and keep up following the process.
Realize that great thing takes great effort, It certainly takes hard work, courage, and perseverance. Consistent results occur when consistent efforts are involved.
Set realistic goals
The dream has no limits, anyone can dream of anything. However, without a goal, a dream is only a daydream. Dreams don’t have any boundaries, but goals are meant to be real.
Realistic goals and realistic planning will lead us to success. Setting unrealistic goals will only lead to disappointment. Follow a proper roadmap to achieve both short- and long-term goals.

Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.
– Francis of Assisi
Dream big, break your goals down into smaller pieces, and categorize them into short-term and long-term goals.
Goals and dreams are the first steps, planning is the next. Establish a proper roadmap, follow the proper process, start making the necessary changes, keep moving forward in the right direction, and let the process guide you to your goals.
Walt Disney once said: “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.“
Execution is what matters the most. Everything else is pointless and the dreams are merely a wish when there is a lack of execution.
Hard work, courage, perseverance, planning, and a realistic approach can almost turn anything into a reality.
If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you’ll never get it done.
– Bruce Lee