The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.
– Mark Twain
Meaning of this quote:
The most important day of your life is when you find your purpose. We live in a purpose-driven world. If you haven’t found your purpose yet, keep moving and you will discover it on your own. Realize that there is no right or wrong time.
There can be two types of purposes, a pre-defined purpose and a purpose that you define on your own. Often, pre-defined purposes come from beliefs held by people in the surrounding area.
But the most fulfilling and exciting part is discovering, defining, and living the personal purpose.
Find your purpose
Life is a gift, don’t ask if it can give you the best. Instead, think of what you can do best for it. There are so many beautiful things that life has to offer, but what it takes is the courage to keep moving forward no matter how hard things get.
To keep moving forward in the correct direction is what matters the most. A sense of purpose gives you direction to follow, and that’s what leads to fulfillment.
Ask yourself questions to find your purpose. Knowing yourself is the key, and the best way to do so is to ask yourself some tough questions. Develop a deep connection with yourself, and let it guide you to finding your purpose.

If you take responsibility for yourself you will develop a hunger to accomplish your dreams.
– Les Brown
The most important day in your life is the day when you realize that life has given you so much and that there are so many reasons to appreciate it. The best day in life is the day when you realize the true meaning of life.
Keep up exploring and let it help you to change yourself in the most positive way possible. Remember, there is nothing wrong with change, isn’t it that change is the rule of nature?
Tap into the unexplored potential
Growth occurs when you demand it by stretching and adapting yourself. It’s your own resolution to accomplish something that matters most; everything else is secondary.
It is a dream or purpose that helps you to keep moving forward. Discover what you can do best for your life, and how you can add value to the lives of others.
Take full responsibility for your life and realize that only you can steer it in the right direction, no one can do it better than you. Lead your life in the direction of your happiness and fulfillment by taking charge of your decisions.

Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.
– Swami Sivananda
We are driven by our thoughts, they re-shape our life. And thoughts are driven by our mind and thus ultimately we are driven by our mind. We become what we feed to our minds.
Focus on the things that really matter. Every new day brings new opportunities, but a clear focus is key. As long as you keep moving forward, there is always a way.
You know yourself better than anyone, only you know your true strengths and weaknesses and thus you are the one who can decide what’s best you can do for your life.