A person who won’t read has no advantage over one who can’t read.
– Mark Twain
Meaning of this quote:
A person who won’t read any great things has no advantage over the one who can’t read. A literate person who doesn’t read the good books has no advantage over the illiterate person. Let’s try to read some great books or blog-posts which help us to improve our minds. And the most important thing, it’s a duty of all literate people to help those who can’t read because by this way we can help to make a better world.
A person who won’t read has no advantage:
We all should take advantage of reading some great books. Learning is the never-ending process in our life and we can learn some best lessons from the great books. By reading regularly, we can develop the right mindset. We can learn new things from the books which can help anyone to make a difference.
When we read something we try to visualize the things in our mind and that’s the reason reading can make us more creative. A great book can help us to see the world from the different perspective.
The more we read, the more new words, we learn and that’s how we can expand our vocabulary. A great reader can express himself with the broader range of vocabulary.
Our mind captures the story when we read the book. By reading regularly, we can improve our memory and we get more focused on the things. A regular reader is more focused on their work compared to those who don’t read.
By reading regularly, we can improve our writing & problem-solving skills. We can learn the many lessons of wisdom from the great books. Reading brings the joy. Great books always inspire and motivates to do the great work. There is a simple rule: “The more we read, the more we learn“.
Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. – Joseph Addison
knowledge is the power:
Knowledge is more powerful than anything. No great work can be done without knowledge. There is no limit on the knowledge, after all, it’s one of the most powerful factors which can help anyone to achieve the greatness.
Knowledge is more powerful than any physical force. Knowledge is like a candle which can remove the darkness of ignorance.
Real power comes from the knowledge, by developing a right mindset we can achieve anything. We all have an ability to absorb the knowledge from the different sources like books and blog-posts and we should take an advantage of it because these things can improve us.
Let’s we try to use our knowledge in a most positive way, after all, there are many areas where problem-solving skills are required. By providing the best possible things we can help the others to find the purpose of their life.
Knowledge brings the happiness because it has the power to eliminate the issues like violence and corruption. By using our knowledge in the right direction we can empower everyone.
Having knowledge means having an ability to change the things. By putting some efforts and knowledge we can make the next marvelous thing which can change the world.
We all should read because a person who won’t read loses the great ability to absorb the knowledge.
The best advice I ever got was that knowledge is power and to keep reading. – David Bailey
Live to learn:
Learning is the never-ending process and it isn’t limited to school or classroom. We should learn new things each and every single day. When we learn new things we feel the true happiness. Learning promotes the positivity which enables us to keep moving towards our goal.
When we learn new things, we grow as a person which can unlock the many opportunities. By learning new things we can keep our mind more active and healthy. When we get busy in learning new things we got no time for some negative stuff and this thing can make us more productive.
By developing new skills we can make the positive impact in the world. We all should try to discover our true potential because it makes no sense to settle for a life that is less than the one we are capable of living.
The world keeps evolving along with the technology if we stop learning then we will get left behind. Learning something new keeps our brain-cells more healthy. By trying the new things we can learn to live.
A person who won’t read loses the great advantage of learning new things.
Live to learn, and you will really learn to live. – John C. Maxwell