Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.
– Bil Keane
Meaning of this quote:
This quote emphasizes the importance of the present moment. The present moment is all we have, anything else is either history or an illusion.
Your present is a gift of God, so don’t waste it by regretting your past actions. Never let worries of tomorrow eat up your present. Realize that your tomorrow will be shaped based on how you utilize your today.
Remember that your present is a reflection of your past, and your future will be a reflection of your present. Make sure to maintain the balance between the two. When things don’t go as planned, you can always make a fresh start. Make sure it doesn’t affect other things that are working well.
Never let bad yesterday creates a negative influence on today, Start your new day with fresh energy and hope and utilize it in a way that can truly reshape your tomorrow in the most positive way possible.
Learn to live in the present
Your present moments are all you have, how you use them determines your future. And regretting the past or worrying about the future will not influence your future positively.
Don’t dwell in the past, don’t focus too much on the future, make use of each and every second of your present by truly living and feeling it. Never take your present moments for granted in the worries of tomorrow. Overthinking leads nowhere and instead makes the situation worse.

The past is a stepping stone, not a millstone.
– Robert Plant
Time is the most valuable asset, take advantage of it while it’s still there, and you’ll be appreciated in return. Don’t let regrets or worries hold you back, don’t dwell on what’s gone, and start the day with a positive attitude.
Never let negativity set you back, don’t get consumed by your negative self-talk. Try to have a positive outlook for yourself. If you learn from your mistakes and try again with the same motivation, there is no problem with failure, giving up altogether might not be the best approach.
Learn from your past, utilize your today in a way that can make you better than before, and that way you will be able to bring the expected results in your future. Remember, things work by taking the actions and putting them into the effort. Overthinking and regrets solves nothing.
Today is a gift, learn from your past but live in the present.
The past can no longer be changed. So why waste today with regrets of yesterday where you can no longer go back and alter any history?
Don’t try to change anything that you cannot control, because this often leads to disappointment. The wisdom is to accept reality and move forward. Past regrets won’t make your tomorrow better, but living in the present and utilizing it in a positive way does.

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.
– Buddha
The moment we are in right now is all we have to live, we can neither go back in time nor jump into the future. Enjoy every second of today, and live and feel it to the fullest.
There is one great quote by Omar Khayyam, “Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life”.
Ultimately we are driven by the mind, our own thoughts and actions can reshape the future, so don’t let your thoughts go on autopilot, be aware of what you do and how you spend your time.
However, this does not mean that past and future have no significance. Both are here to serve a purpose; the past’s role is to teach us valuable lessons in order to prevent repeating the same mistakes in the future. The past act as a stepping stone, where the future is what excites and motivate us to keep moving forward. What we do today determines our tomorrow.
Life itself is a gift, It makes no real sense to take anything for granted, learn to appreciate even the small things, be grateful for everything. Realize that there is always a way to bring the expected results in near future as long as you utilize your today in that direction.
Live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find eternity in each moment.
– Henry David Thoreau