In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.
– Coco Chanel
Meaning of this quote:
We don’t have to be different, because we are already different. The important thing is not to lose our originality in order to be like someone else.
There is no human being that thinks exactly the same way as another, we all think differently. Adopting someone else’s qualities does not mean undermining our own.
Isn’t following someone else’s footsteps likely to yield the same results? If we join the crowd to do the usual things, won’t we end up getting the usual results?
No two humans are alike. All of us are unique and different from one another. Therefore, we don’t have to put any extra effort to be different, because we are already different. The only thing that we should avoid is putting extra effort into copying others.
All of us are unique, unless and until we copy one another
Each of us has unique strengths and weaknesses that make us irreplaceable. But, what matters the most is we don’t have to end up being replaceable by collectively doing the same thing over and over again, or by collectively copying each other.
Aren’t there some who struggle to gain traction while others breeze through any obstacles? Perspective is everything, we don’t have to lose our own to adapt to someone else’s.

Everyone aspires to be themselves, and everyone aims to become the best version of themselves. However, somehow we end up following in someone’s footsteps after being captivated by their accomplishments.
Sometimes we don’t realize that what works for someone else may not work for us. Every individual has unique strengths and weaknesses. A strategy that works for us may not work for others, and vice versa.
Whenever we let go of our individuality and follow the crowd, we are likely to get the same results as the majority of them are getting.
The key to being irreplaceable is authenticity
When we are identical to ninety-nine others, we can easily be replaced by a hundredth one. However, when we strive to be as authentic as possible, and when we deliver things through our authentic and real perspective, we become harder to replace.
Isn’t it difficult to replace someone who does things differently than ninety-nine others who do them in a generic way? Aren’t different results only possible when we think and do things differently?

Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.
– Mark Twain
There’s nothing wrong with being different since we are already different and unique. However, It is certainly wrong to give up our individuality or our unique creative perspective to join the crowd’s common perspective.
Authentic results are only achieved when we don’t compromise our uniqueness. There is a fine line between a diverse group and one whose majority holds the same mindset.
When someone explores the unexplored, the unexplored outcomes happen. When someone explores a path that has already been traveled by ninety-nine others, it usually results in the same experience.
Following someone else’s footsteps will only lead us to the same destination they have already reached. However, when we blindly follow something, we may end up nowhere. Taking inspiration is one thing, but losing our individuality and uniqueness is another.
There’s a fine line between learning from others’ footsteps and copying each and every step. The way to expand your capability starts with believing in them. There are endless possibilities when we self-explore our possibilities.

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.
– Ralph Waldo Emerson