Sunday, September 8, 2024
HomeAuthorMark TwainThe more you explain it, the more I don't understand it.

The more you explain it, the more I don’t understand it.

The more you explain it, the more I don’t understand it.
Mark Twain

Meaning of this quote:

Albert Einstein Once said: “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough”. An ability to explain and understand defines the many things. The more you explain it, the more you complicate it. Describing something to someone is an art which we should learn in order to make a great impact.

The more you explain it, less you know

The less you know, the more you explain it. When we don’t have any clear idea, it’s hard to explain or describe. It becomes difficult to describe when we have a big dream or goals. We tend to get the solutions by communicating with the others, but in some cases, it becomes difficult as long as we lost our courage.

We should try to learn the art of describing something in very simple terms because not everyone can see our vision as much as clear. The more we try to explain, more they get confused.

We create a gap when others can’t perceive our ideas. We don’t have to explain to everyone, but we should have an ability to simplify the complex things. By expressing our ideas and opinions clearly, we can improve ourselves.

In order to collaborate with the right people, we must have the ability to explain and understand something. By expressing ourselves in the most positive manner we can make a difference.

Educators take something simple and make it complicated. Communicators take something complicated and make it simple. - John C. Maxwell
Educators take something simple and make it complicated. Communicators take something complicated and make it simple.
John C. Maxwell

We can make a better future by simplifying the complex things.

Understanding is an art:

No matter which medium we use for communication, a great leader is the one who has the ability to listen and persuade others. An art of understanding is important for effective communication.

We can help the others by expressing ourselves in the right manner. A great leader is the one who uses the different strategies to overcome the barriers that limit the communication.

We communicate with each other to understand something and that’s reason understanding is an art which allows us to know the things better.

Understanding is an art, and not everyone is an artist!

Understanding is an art, but not everyone is an artist. It demands a great listening skill in order to understand someone’s point of view. It also demands a deep knowledge while describing a complex thing.

The more you explain it, less you know about it. Sometimes it’s become more difficult to describe something when we don’t have any clear ideas. No one is perfect in this world, by preparing we can present our ideas in a better way.

Great communicators are the one who can simplify the complex things. By explaining the difficult terms in an easy manner we can empower the others.

Understanding is a two-way street. - Eleanor Roosevelt
Understanding is a two-way street. – Eleanor Roosevelt

Understanding is a two-way street. While expressing ourselves with the other we have to understand their points and that’s how communication works. We can empower the others by expressing ourselves in the most positive manner.

An idea, like a ghost, must be spoken to a little before it will explain itself.
Charles Dickens

Meet Shah
Meet Shah
My mentality is to enhance everyone's life around me.





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