It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.
– William Shakespeare
Meaning of this quote:
We are responsible for our own destiny. We create our own destiny based on how we think, perceive, and translate it into actions. Life is shaped by the quality of our thoughts.
We are the authors of our own destiny. There is nothing external that can move us closer or farther from our goals. Ultimately, we are responsible for the outcomes. We get desired outcomes when we truly work for them.
Even if we don’t get the results we want, we can always try again until we get the results we desire. And thus, we write our destiny. Everything lies within us, it lies in our actions, attitudes, and thoughts.
Either things happen or they don’t, however, we are responsible for both scenarios. We must own our actions because it is not optional. Aren’t we supposed to accept the gaps before we can fill them?
The stars do not determine your destiny; your actions do
Great things happen when we realize that there is nothing external that can make them possible. Instead, things happen when we take responsibility for our actions and rely totally on them.
Luck or magic does not exist, rather all magic relies on us, on the quality of our efforts. The more we work towards something, the greater the chances of reaching magical results.
The power to change is in my hands.
– Helen M. Ryan
Positive change in our lives occurs when we do not just seek it, but work for it. Magic doesn’t happen by hoping for it, it happens by creating it.
You are the only one who can change your life. There is nothing external that can change it. Your choices and thoughts determine the direction of your life. Our destiny is not determined by starts, but rather by our choices.
Aren’t we only rewarded for what we do? Can we achieve better results by always blaming others instead of our own efforts? To reach our desired destination, don’t we have to take responsibility for our actions?
Doesn’t the scenic viewpoint often require driving through twists and turns and ups and downs? Aren’t we have to take the first step and start the journey in order to reach there?
Ultimately we are driven by our mind, our mind produces the thoughts, and our thoughts reshape our life. What matters the most is to have faith in ourselves and to keep believing in our inner strengths. In the end, it’s a mindset that defines everything.
There is nothing impossible to him who will try.
– Alexander the Great